Monday, August 2, 2010

Congratulations, Chris

It is amazing and a dedication to his spirit and character that my brother Chris has come so far in two years...

I will never forget the day I had just gotten off the radio and was driving home talking to my friend and co-host Ryan Phelan. As we pulled off Plymouth Ave, turned onto Bedford ,Street, and took the left onto Oak Grove Avenue, right after the cemetery gates, I noticed a car wedged between a telephone pole and the fence that looked a lot like my brother's car. But I dismissed it as paranoia.

You see, at this time in my brother's life, he wasn't doing so well. The drugs and their lifestyle had really caught up to him, and it was extremely difficult for him and his family. I often worried to myself about my brother during this period, tossing and turning at night, with horrible flashes in my head. Thoughts and concerns of his safety were constantly on my mind. Every ambulance that went by, every police car, I thought that potentially my brother was in it. It's a horrifying feeling I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It was those thoughts that made me double check the accident on Oak Grove Avenue that day - sure enough, this time, those thoughts were right. The ambulance and police were both there for my brother.

That day, which Chris talks about so eloquently in his forthcoming book Basketball Junkie, was the beginning of the end for that lifestyle that my brother had been living. He was dead for 30 seconds and fortunate to be lying in a hospital bed instead of a cold, dark coffin. From that day forward, he went about dramatically changing his life. He attacked sobriety with a passion and a commitment that I hadn't seen in him in a long time. I always knew my brother could do it: he was a rock-hard, tough SOB, and he was capable of anything he put his mind to, and he did. Even though it's still one day at a time, the accumulation of those days has put Chris in a very different place today than where he was that day on Oak Grove Avenue.

I remember vividly having a conversation the next day with my general manager at the radio station Doug Tweedie, a good man who is very perceptive. He called me up that morning and asked me how I was doing. My brother's accident had become big news. The sattelite TV trucks had surrounded my house, and a few of them were waiting in the parking lot at the radio station. Doug offered me an opportunity to take a few days off, fearing the subject matter on my three-hour afternoon drive talk show would be too personal and too emotional for me to handle. But Doug didn't know me that well yet. My personality has always been to fight instead of flee.

I walked into the station that day and was ready for anything that would be thrown at me. That day on the radio was staggering. Hundreds and hundreds of callers called in support of Chris, told stories of his kindness, and his ability to care when most don't. It was clear to me that day that my brother had left a footprint that was much deeper than any drug issues he had. As difficult as the radio business is, and considering all the negativity involved with it, that day was special. It was spiritually uplifting to hear just how many people hadn't given up or turned their back on my brother during one of his darkest public days. I remember the media having encircled my front porch shortly after I got home, and I addressed them, telling them I love my brother and that nothing would ever change that. I made a point that I had 100% confidence in his ability to get sober and turn his life around. He has certainly proven that and then some.

I remember telling my brother that if he were to turn his life around, he would have much more happiness and money and credibility than if he had a ten-year NBA career. Chris really wanted to change his life, and he began the process of doing that. With the help of some good friends and a dogged determination, he was able to do that. He became 100% committed to the meetings, discussions, the fellowship, and all the other things a life of sobriety has to offer. It was amazing how quickly you began to see results, how quickly his physical appearance improved. His head was so clear, his thoughts so structured, his life so in order - if I didn't know better, it would call it a miracle. But there was no miracle - it was just a lot of commitment, support, and dedication.

It wasn't long, after everything he had been through, that Chris was back in high demand. I was hearing stories of his speeches reverberating throughout New England. Every once in a while, someone would grab me in a random place and tell me that they had heard Chris's speech at suchandsuch camp or suchandsuch event.

The same can be said about his basketball camps and sesssions. Again it wasn't too long before I was hearing stories from Brookline to Providence, from New Bedford to Newport, about what a fantastic job Chris was doing with his basketball school. Those were great to hear, but the best was yet to come.

Everybody knows about Chris Herren's unique gifts: the good looks, the smile, the wonderful talent, the infectious personality. But Chris's greatest gift is that he is a tireless giver and is hugely compassionate. It was this gift and the stories of it that really, really warmed my heart and spoke to his true character. These stories I talk about came from desperate parents, scared brothers and sisters, and terrified children of somebody they know and love who was losing a battle with substance abuse. And the stories were told over and over again to me about how helpful Chris had been in their time of need -whether it was getting someone into a rehab facility, meeting with loved ones, bringing someone to a meeting, or just standing by their side through this difficult journey.

I started hearing these stories a while ago, and I haven't stopped hearing them. The range in numbers and the diversity of the people and families Chris has helped is amazing. Firefighters, cops, CEOs, sons of teachers and principals, childhood friends, former teammates - you name it - Chris has been there in helping them all one after the other, as many and as best that he can.

I had heard that Chris had been clean for two years on, of all places, Facebook, and I got a little emotional over the fact that I didn't know, wasn't there, or didn't even pick up the phone to call and congratulate him. That's inexcusable, and, for that, I'm sorry. But it did give me a twinkle in my eye and a wry smile on my face thinking about far he had come and what a great father, great brother, and great friend to so many he has become. He has been there for so many. He's made it his mission to help as many people and families struggling with substance abuse as he possibly can. In just two years, Chris has risen from the depths and depression of that ambulance and hospital bed on that fateful day to the unbelievable place he is in today: sober (most importantly), at peace with himself, a beautiful loving family around him, and countless business opportunities.

It is an amazing story, a story that needs to be told over and over and over again.

Don't ever give up on yourself, don't ever give up on your family, and don't ever give up on your friend, regardless of how difficult the situation is. The human body and spirit are capable of amazing things, just ask my brother Chris.

"He ain't heavy. He's my brother." And I love him.

Congratulations, Chris.


  1. Chris is doing amazing things.Iknow personally because he helped out my neighbors son.We need more stories like this.Great job!!

  2. Wow! Great story. Good job Chris!

  3. Maybe you should embark on your own journey Mike. Then you will not be on the outside looking in.

  4. I know how difficult drug addiction is and how tough it is to become sober, that alone is a huge accomplishment, but to still have the energy to help others that is above and beyond the call of duty.Chris has always been capable of doing great things.His mother would be extremely proud of him and his efforts.Congrats Chris your mom is smiling on you.

  5. Awesome job Hurricane.Keep up the blogging.When are you going to go live?? I will bw waiting.

  6. Right on Hurricane.This is a story that needs to be told.I know the impact your brother is having he helped out my husbands bosses son and he is so grateful.Chris has never forgotten where he came from and either have you Hurricane.Keep up the blogging im already hooked.

  7. Both Chris and you Mike have been in my prayers. You know you can do anything you can put your mind to...with God all things are possible!!

  8. How gross that you take your brother's recovery and spin it into a blog entry to promote youself! You would throw your own under the bus for some crap ass attention. Disgusting.

  9. Awesome job Hurricane.Great story.Great work your brother is doing.We need more people involved in this fight against substance abuse!!We are spending billions on the war against terror.How much are we spending on the war we are losing against drugs??

  10. Wow! That is a truly heart wrenching story. It's great that you are using this outlet to express your inner thoughts and feelings. Can't wait to read the book. It's truly remarkable how Chris has turned his life around, and now is using his struggles to help others.

    Best wishes to you and your family.

  11. Mike,

    Great story about Chris. Do you know when his book is coming out that he is working with Bill Reynolds?

    Glad to see Chris is doing well.

  12. Glad to see so many positive posts on here. Chris and Mike are amazing people who have had their share of trials and tribulations, both have learned from them and overcome them, and are not ashamed to share their stories. It is very admirable the love between two brothers who are not ashamed to overcome and share their struggles with others.
    I am truly blessed not only to be their cousin, but also be on the receiving end of their unconditional love and support.
    I am proud of them both for supporting each other, the love and commitment to what they believe in, and share their stories not to promote themselves, but to help others realize the potential each and every person has, despite any obstacles one may face.
    thank you both for all the love and support you have given to me, continue to give me--i love and appreciate you both more than you will ever know--thank-you! love you both! sarah

  13. To Chris and his big brother - This is actually the first time I've even looked at any blog. Mike you brought me to tears with your writing. Chris no one could be prouder of you than that big brother of yours. The story is hard to read but the amazing progression is everything you said Mike. Chris has worked hard and is continuing to make progress for himself and in the case of helping others. Through all ups and downs in both your lives, I'll always routed for you two. Chris keep spreading the word in your actions and Mike in your blogs. You two are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know your Mom would be so proud of you both. She is beaming right now!

  14. Now would you rather read a blog like this or a blog that just spews hate and venom.Thanks Hurricane for changing the game and trying to keep things positive around here.Your brothers story is an amazing.Like they say dont give up dont ever give up.Chris didnt and you didnt give up on him and look at him today.GREAT JOB HURRICANE

  15. Sue--well said!!!!!!!!!!! sarah

  16. I followed Chris from his days at Durfee, Fresno and the NBA. Chris always played with heart and lived his dream of playing in the NBA. His biggest win is were he is at in his life at this moment. Glad to see he is sober for 2 years and counting for himself and his family.

    Great post Mike.

  17. Right on, Right on, yea.

  18. Way to go Chris!!!!!!!!!

  19. Very well written Michael. Your writing seems drastically different on your blog vs Facebook. Your sentiment and message hold true on both. You might want to put the same amount of proofing into FB. It will only help you build your credibility. While it is clear these are your thoughts I have a hard time buying you actually wrote this. If you did, you should thank whomever it is that edits for you. Overall it is very well done.

  20. Excellent job writing this Mike. Chris we are all very proud of what youv'e accomplished as a ball player and as an individual going forward.Keep on keepin on

  21. The blog is an excellent read.Nice job Hurricane and a tremendous amount of respect to Chris.Id love to see a reality tv show about Mike and Chris.Great stories!!

  22. Congratulations Chris...Great Job Mike!!

  23. NICE PIECE!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Chris is fantastic, when will you stop trying to live off of his back mikey?

  25. When is your next blog coming out Mike? Great piece on Chris.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. First and foremost I wanted to say Keep Up The Good Work since it is a full time job staying clean and sober,to stop using the drug is the easy part,the hard part is changing your old behavior that started you on the drug and by Chris giving back makes it even more powerful for his sobriety since we do hear ourselves when we talk so he hears everything he is saying and thats a reminder to him that all he as is a day at a time and if you make that mistake of believeing you can do it just once it's OVER!I myself have put together 8 years one day at a time. I was Chris along time ago,I was blessed with being really good at what I did and that was sports,all but basketball( U go Chris) lolo and I ended up getting hurt and with a great supply of the best narcotics there are and legally.Well to make along story short I ended up going from one of the top ball players in this city to one of the top armed robbers in this city and paid dearly,I could do the time which was close to 14 years but hwat I did to my family was the worst!They hurt and thats what the addict forgets at times. I'm sorry I got caught up in my story but there are so many similar things that me and Chris have or had income that I had to let it out, well it just came out to be honest. I no Chris Stevens Court!Mike and they are both good guys,when u mix in drugs we all become things we hate. well Chris I hope you continue or should I say Mike, I hope your bro continues to make his strides and keep do what he is doing and if you can remember, I was the kid that taught your bro how to ride his first bike without the training wheels!Stevens Court?????? Stay Strong like a Hurracaine!

  28. I would love to see a movie made out fall river dreams or Chris new book Basketball Junkie.

    Do you think these book would ever hit the big screen Mike?

    Stay strong Chris and glad to see you on top and living your life at its best.

  29. What a great job.I cant wait to read the book.Big ups to Mike and Chris!!

  30. this is the best.....wait this is not....shit!..sorry thebestblogabouotmylilbro..fuckthatcow.....FUCK!

  31. Mike,
    I've been away from the Riv for many years and have been out of touch. Please know that from a distance I am sending my positive support. Support and love have endless echoes. You are a great brother and Chris is a kindred spirit who will take this experience and help others with it. Keep up the blogging! I enjoyed reading it. Makes me miss the Riv. Sooo many wonderful people in that community.

  32. great job chris a lot of us always had faith in you you fell in and you got yourself out and yes with help no doubt but now if only someone could do something about your losser brother but i dont think there is anything worth saving God bless Chris

  33. chris is def great and is helping many peopele, its great that he is giving back.....and furthermore keeping his own sobriety!!! Chris you are loved

  34. Mike what the hell happened 2 you? lol

  35. Mike, I played against Chris way back in the day when we were about 12 at a basketball tourney at Pocassett school in Tiverton. It was one of the best games of my career as me and Chris went head to head, something I will never forget. I always had respect for him and thought he was a tough SOB...still is. Everytime he sees my dad he asks how I am doing. I am very happy that he is doing better. I have kept up with him through family and media and it is nice to see he is doing well. Best of luck Chris!!

  36. Michael was there for his brother every step of the way .He always had faith when alot of us didnt.One of M ichaels greatest strenghts is his loyalty.Chris and Michael are like two brothers should be with one another


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