Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hurricane Radio...A walk through of the studio...


  1. The place looks great.Congratulations Hurricane!!!

  2. its going to be interesting to see how good this station is going to be.i admire the initiative and the work effort i hope that translates into success we will soon see i guess

  3. wow you must gather the puss with that "under the built in" action, fridge? fuck off!! never mind off the roof..DUDE

  4. Looking great, MH. You look better than ever!

  5. This will be doomed to fail. Will I have to blow Michael everytime I log on.. Oh you look like a reality double...have you had some work done. He knows some funny people,too bad

  6. Fall River has some great old buildings im glad someone is using them for something this creative.Good luck with the radio station WSAR can use some competition

  7. Sobriety is doing right by you! You look marvelous!

  8. The building is great, the equipment is meaninglesss to most people, the important part is the people. I know first hand that the energy in the studio from the great talent is tremendous. I am so excited to listen. Mike, you have once again picked up and created something clearly unique for the southcoast area. Thanks for the sneak peek and can't wait to watch it live!

  9. Hey Hurricane,

    What is up with those Eyebrows. Looking like Eddie Munster.

  10. Thanks for the tour. Can't wait to listen again. I wonder if Grandma has the internet?

  11. wow the place looks impressive .i wonder if the entertaiment value will match it??

  12. Eddie Munster lookalike...know that was a funny post.

  13. Video took my breath away. Can't wait to listen.

  14. Sobriety? I guess you haven't seen Mike at The Raw Martini pounding shots and chasing beers.

    He fell off that sober horse a loooong time ago. Yet he can still fool the dumbest of you all.

    Think I'm "hating" check him out on a Fri/Sat night. I (and my wife) saw it with our own eyes.

  15. Good luck at your trials. Ironic that you are across the street from the court house?

    That is a slap in the face to all the people that work and pay taxes in the city. It is ironic?


    That you have been able to "weezle" your way out of getting caught BREAKING THE LAW?

    It is a sad story for someone like you to be promoting the city. If someone like you is the face of this city, we will continue being the laughing stock of Massachusetts. City counselors getting busted and girlfriend beating, drunk, drug user promoting South Main Street. Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea!

    I am a hater, oh you love this, keep on Hurricane, one love, peace, keep on coming on the blog... All the catch phrases that you can use to make yourself feel better

    It all comes down to the fact that you are what is wrong with Fall River. No education, collecting unemployment, wasting the time of the court system.

  16. Really, can you collect unemployment for being a douche bag? Why didn't the Karam's fight the claim?

  17. This radio gig will never make it. You heard Mike say this won't be up till another 4 weeks. The bottom line there is no leadership from the top.

    There is no way the sponsors are signing up for this. So me the proof. You can't

  18. Dont worry about our sponsors we will have plenty!!...happy hating just keep logging in

  19. "We will have plenty"?

    So that means you have none? C'mon Mikey come clean for once and for all. How did court fare for you yesterday?

  20. What is Happy Hating-Your 40 years old and that is your motto. Grow up.

    I have been in the radio business for 20 years and will tell you that your really can't have the sponsors signed up to date. There is no way you could have contracts signed to date and generating the $10,000 a month that you state.

    That is a fact.

    You might be hitting the phones to generate leads..but in the end the internet radio does not sell to consumers.

    The major sponsors will go to more established outlets were they will get more bang for there buck.

    With that said, I do wish you the best in this uphill battle. Don't mean to be negative but they are the facts.

  21. No they are your facts and they are wrong. We are rapidly approaching our short term goal and just hired two more sales people..dont underestimate the power of hard work ..i went out sunday night and lined up two huge accounts..wouldnt you love to know??

  22. for the record we have 3 accounts under contract right now and about ten that are ready to be closed...there is no way you will get more bang for your buck with any advertising outlet in the spots are around 7 dollars,we have the web tv option,website,radio on demand,a social network group of 10,000 names..and we will produce and write all copy in house and give the customers day to day flexibility..we have over 200,000 hits all can listen on apps for your i phone (coming soon)droid and blackberry..listen and watch on all your gaming systems(x box wii etc..) and on facebbok..we have unlimited broadband capabilities..our sound and video is all high definition..there is no better deal to advertise around

  23. Let me get this straight? You have ads but must keep them secret..due to a bad rep and pending legal, excellent. Rock on Krystin, hope you did the right thing.

  24. please people stop obsessing over the hurricane either you like the radio station and listen or dont period

  25. With Mike having few personal resources right now, who paid for the studio equipment, phone lines, laptops and all the rest? Who owns 227 South Main Street? Just curious.

  26. You lined up 2 Huge Accounts. What are the names.. That is not true.

    Closing a deal means having money coming in and contracts signed which you have neither.

    Your not even on the radio for another 2 months.

  27. Goodluck with you idea,it takes alot of balls , but you were like the howard sterns of fall river , people who loved you listened 1 hour, people that didnt like you listened for 2 hours. steve g

  28. Michael,

    This is a quick video you should watch. If you are getting 200,000 hits and you don't have content on your site that is a good start. You can use this to learn how to join affiliate networks where you get paid if someone clicks on an ad on your site and then buys something. You can sign of as an affiliate on sites like eBay, Amazon, etc. It's another way to get paid. Watch it and if you don't understand it ask one of the younger internet savvy guys you have helping you out to explain it. It is legitimate.

    One other thing to keep in mind is that advertisers are not concerned with hits. They are interested in Unique Visitors. A hit occurs anytime someone lands on your homepage and is a running total.

    Unique Visitors or UV's is the total number of actual IP addresses that hit your page in a give time frame. In plain English if you go to the site once or one hundred times from the same IP address (think computer) you are only counted once as a UV. You can get inexpensive software from,,,, etc to count these and many other metrics.

    If you really want to learn best practices on how to target local businesses check out these companies.,,

  29. Yo Hurricane. I am sick and tired of you saying you will be the first commercially viable internet radio station. Internet Radio started in 1993. YOU SOUND LIKE A FREAKIN' IDIOT. Read this.

  30. He knows there are thousands, and they've been around for years. He's just talking about it being unique in this area.

  31. Fall River has some amazing buildings its nice to see them getting used with something so positive

  32. Is this place going to be open to the public??

  33. this place looks great where is it again


  35. Sounds like a lot of hate from kids that went to high school with you Mike. They just hate cause you were popular in high school and they were not. I know the post i read are from 7 years ago, but i just read them and they piss me off. They hated because maybe you picked on them in high school and they think it's thier time to get you back. The funny thing is they don't realize it looks worse being adult talking like guys verses being in high school talking like that. Fuck them.. i grew up in Worcester area but live in Taunton now. I have followed you and your family and i am proud of how you guys pulled through everything you guys went through to come on top.


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