Monday, August 30, 2010

Needles in a Trashpile


  1. I cant view the video????


  3. how bout herren on the same street w a c head after last call?

  4. But it's ok for u to blow lines of cocain because it doesn't leave no parafanalia for the children of our infested city to see ? Get off your high horse your no better then anyone , u get high , u drink , u beat your significant other and who really knows what else so take care of your own epidemics before u go and act all high and mighty there Michael !!!!

  5. how is this about mike? would you rather that he ignore it??

  6. What has Michael ever done?

    He was raised by a different set of rules and was never punished. His father and uncle kept him out of trouble for all of the crimes he committed and he continues to set a bad example for everyone.

    Beating women, using drugs, being drunk off his ass in the local bars in the city and we put up with it.


    Because he could put a ball through a hoop at the high school level.

    If Michael Herren really wanted to help the city he would move away.

    If Michael Herren was a real man he would apologize for the awful, cowardly actions he has been accused of.

    Real men don't plead "no contest". Real men don't cry when the police arrest them and call Linda Perreria and Joe Camara to get them out of a jam.

    Real men raise their children and support them financially and real men who are 39 years old don't live with daddy.

    Funny, one of Mike's catch phrases was, "You'll be crying for mommy and daddy when you have three hots and a cot" and that's exactly what this "real man" was doing after a couple hours in jail for the tough guy crime of beating up a young girl.

    Really nice role model for our children and that's something his daughter would be proud of.

    Anyone can write a blog - real men (and women) lead by example.

    Oh, and if you want to cry about needles in the street maybe you should go talk to your brother about the dangers of crashing cars while strung out on junk.

    Save the good, hard working people of Fall River the lecture.

    We've had it and are fed up with the "junk" that Michael Herren has been pushing here for years.

    Oh, and as far as being arrested and being a poor excuse for a man who behaves like a child - Mike will repeat.

  7. Has anybody bothered to proofread the blog? Apparently not. In the post entitled "The Other Morning Guy" someone let the formatting code slip through to the final page, and no one has bothered to correct the problem.

    Has anybody bothered to reset the countdown clock on the website after it expired? No. Why? Apparently nobody cares about the details.

    Sloppy work... then again, it IS Herren.

  8. Herren talkin bout drugs? It's like the pot calling the kettle black AAHAAHAAAHAHAAAAAA!!!!

  9. Oh and one more thing will be airing at 7 am Tuesday Sept 7th...thank you

  10. caroline must be a good friend to give you a pass on that

  11. Mike stay strong. You have admitted your a sinner, as all of us are, and it is about time all these "haters" (which hate is a sinner) start to realzie that they don't walk on water. It is horrendous that syringes are found on the city streets...but it is an epidemic. I pray for you and your brother, as I know that your mother would be doing the same. Stay strong, continue on your mission and remember to seek first the Kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be handed to you.

  12. I think you have a valid point on some of the issues that Fall River has, but lately all you have been blogging and talking about are the problems. It’s starting to bring people down and give a very negative view of the Fall River. With all this negativity, who would want to come to this city? What business would want to build here? What person would want to raise there kids here? I understand you are trying to open up people’s eyes, but how about some positive and great things that are going on in Fall River?

  13. Good job Mike , the reason they come to Fall River is not because the drugs are cheap, it's because the amount of available housing and the wonderful and generous SSDI system we have in Massachusetts.Thank your local housing authority and your leaders for pushing housing for the past 10 years , they now are reaping what they sow .

  14. Nicely done, MH. Your speaking voice has improved tremendously. That piece reminded me of the show 48 hours from the 80s with Dan Rather. It's very difficult to talk and walk, and you pulled it off effortlessey. Keep up the good work. Don't let the haters try to discourage you. You pointing out the underbelly of the city, that the traditional media would never cover.

  15. I find it funny that Mike took down his response and other negative comments.

    Why take down your post to the above comments????

  16. I would be more impressed by Michael Herren if he were flipping burgers at McDonalds and keeping his nose clean (pun intended).

    You have probably volunteered more then most of us because people like us work 40+ hours a week to put food on the table.

    I don't live at home in my daddy's house and I don't beat up women. I don't have any "open cases" and I have never been found hiding in a hotel bathroom with drugs.

    What have you earned, other then a bad reputation?

    You claim to love the city but you don't even own any property here.

    You claim to be a man but you abuse women.

    You claim to be upset about the drug problems here but you have been charged with drug cases.

    I'm willing to wager that you don't even buy your own groceries.

    You're a pathetic example of exactly what is wrong with Fall River.

    You want to see the drug problem in Fall River?

    Look in the mirror

    You want to see why our sons and daughters are living in poverty?

    Look in the mirror, as you have no job and no earning power

  17. To the last poster, you seem like a miserable loner. Maybe you should try making friends :)

  18. I hope the schools and the parents are teaching their kids not to pick up needles. As far as a plan to wipe out drugs...for the present, other than anti-drug education and old fashioned good parenting, what can be done? Fall River has gone the way of many other mill cities in the Commonwealth and is overrun with drugs, crime and low income housing. The city needs a long term intelligent and multifaceted economic development plan that includes REAL business development (why did we give the biopark away?..oh yeah, Will thinks he's smarter than everyone else..I'm sure we'll be fine) to pull this area out of its depression and make it more attractive.
    Looking forward to hearing the live programming!

  19. I see that hope and change thing is working out REAL well in Fall River

  20. I've posted a few times already! Drugs are a big part of Fall Rivers lowest downfalls.. We know that but who's out there trying to make a difference? not meee... not you but Mike... I can't see condeming someone for trying to make a whomever out there that is not doing something or trying to make your community a better place should really keep their comments to themselves I've lived in the projects Harbor Terrace! Sunset Hill! & then the new & improved Heritage Heights which is outrageous for drug dealing & using thank God!! I had the opportunity to get the hell out! not everyone is as fortunate. Sad stories are a part of everyones lives including the so called (spoiled) Mike it doesn't make you special or any better where you come from or who your family is... theres a story to be told!!! & apparently Mikes had his hardships maybe not like any of "us" but who are we to say his wasn't as hurtful,heartache,emotional... hey Mike keep that chin up like your doing & always be proud of where you came from & who your family is! cause you wouldn't be you without them! <3

  21. Mike doesn't tremove posts except for the one where he say that he has done coke "many many times" and that he is no longer sober.....what a loser

  22. i was actually wondering why that post had been deleted myself. i actually had respect for him for writing it. kind of dissapointed to see that he removed it......oh well

  23. Lost all respect for Mike when he took it down.

    What a Joke.

  24. I too lost all respect for him after that - what a pus*y He must have been high and drunk when he wrote it

  25. WOW Mike you have never done needles or scripts congratulations, by the way dumb ass, most people have never done coke and can stay sober for more than a week at a's called the REAL WORLD not the gutter where you and what friends you have left live and breathe. Only the weak fall victims to drugs, the strong are way above those influences and the strong are what make this country a great place to live, people that actually WORK for a living, you should try it sometime. BOO-hooo it's tough to sit on my fat ass and do live radio for 5 hours, yeah right! It tough to take care of your kids, commute to Boston to make a good living, pay for daycare and pay a mortgage and taxes, none of which you would know anything about.


  27. What a loser. Post comments then takes it down. Then post under fame names to boost up the good things about this blog.

    Lost all respect when he took down his comments.

    Keep up what good work? Read the comments in this section as it hits the nail on the head what you are about...Hater

  28. When does his unemployment running out? Needs to put gas in that $300 Car and by those $2 bud lights.

    Because he is not making any money from this Radio Gig.

  29. this guy runs around the flint looking for drugs in local bars and apts for yrs, shut up you are seeing this the 1st time, shut up, never bothered you before, worried about the neighbors and kids now, shut up. BTW he is still buying.

  30. You have to understand that this blog -- as talk radio -- thrives on controversy. It's what makes people tune in. He NEEDS the "haters" as he calls them.

    That being said, Herren has taken on the tactic of labeling everyone who exposes him for what he is as a "hater."


Please use respect while writing your comments.